Age Tracker

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

1 Month update

On their 1 Month birthday, the babies were finally reunited for a few minutes thanks to their nurse.  Definitely an unforgettable moment, and it signifies how far they have come in just a little bit of time.

Two peas in a pod

Our first family photo (is Austin smiling?)

It was a big day for both of them, as they were scheduled to have their checkup with the Opthamologist for signs of ROP (Retinopathy of Prematurity).  It doesn't sound like a very pleasant experience for them, as their eyes are dilated and eyelids retracted.  But we were told that the procedure is short, and fortunately they both toughed through it without any brady/de-sat episodes, so it seems like it didn't stress them out too badly.  Malia also was re-scanned earlier in the day with an echo ultrasound to check on her PDA.  The check shows no change, so a cardiologist will have to assess her situation later, but it's still great news that she's asymptomatic.

During Austin's morning cares yesterday, he decided to wait until I changed him to push out a poop.  I made the mistake of thinking he was done after the first and second waves, and he splattered the walls of his isolet just for fun.  Little booger!  So his nurse had to clean everything in his isolet, but it gave us some time to hang out.

Austin sat with his dad after his blowout in the isolet
Austin 6/12 @ 32w1d

Cheryl went in to see him early Tuesday afternoon, and he apparently had another isolet blowout.  Pretty funny actually, but apparently the doctors wanted to check and see if his rectum was narrowing because his tummy still looks distended after his movements.  I'm curious to know how they check for this, poor guy!

The aftermath today

The accident didn't seem to bother him, maxin' and relaxin'!

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