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Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Sunday, July 22, 2012

38 week update

Tomorrow would have been Austin and Malia's 38th week of gestation, and this just might also be the week that Malia finally gets to come home and complete our family (officially).  She really seems to behave a lot like Austin did just prior to his discharge, and she has really come a long way in terms of her feeding.  Although different in her approach than Austin and often much, much slower in terms of her feeding time, she is knocking out most of her feedings to completion.  Thus far the best streak she's put together has been 6 out of the 8 daily feedings; not far from the whole enchilada really!  Her previous brushes with feeding success seemed to always be interrupted by something, usually by her bowel irregularity - by the third or fourth day, she would become so loaded with poop that her appetite would dwindle.  So with today being her third day since her last poop, yet a good run of consecutive completed feedings, our preoccupation was getting that damn poop out!  And wouldn't you know it?  After a great feeding that she easily completed on her own, she decided to show off and poop for her daddy, of which I narrowly missed the splatter pattern with the old "diaper shield trick!"  Our little girl is growing up and acting like she wants to come home after all.  The big test will be tomorrow when she has her follow-up eye exam, which as I've mentioned before can be a little disruptive to their appetite because of the agitation.  But this feat was no problem back when Austin was nearing discharge, so we're hoping for a similar outcome for Malia.
Grandma and Grandpa Vlasich stopped by for a visit at the hospital today also, so they were lucky enough to witness the diaper prowess of their granddaughter as well.  Austin got plenty of cuddle time with his grandpa, with I'm sure was mutually enjoyed.  We weighed Austin at the hospital, and he was 6 lb., 15 oz., just right on the cusp of 7 lbs!  Malia is hanging not far behind at 5.75 lbs, which is close to the same weight that Austin was at discharge.  Guess we were right, she was just about 2 weeks behind her brother in size and stage...  She'll catch up, no doubt!

Austin and his Grand Pappy

The boys are doing some manly bonding

The porcelain princess showing her bottle skills

Austin hogging all of the crib, just like in the womb

Didn't realize how high they pulled up her pants until after I took the photo

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Foot comparison

Still working on a decent shot of them together... not happening just yet!

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