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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

35 week update

It was a great weekend for me and Cheryl with the kids, but yesterday we learned that our friends Brian and Jamie lost the second of their preemie twins.  Their pregnancy was so similar to ours; boy/girl twins, mom ordered to bed rest at nearly the same stage as Cheryl, and Kaia and Kole were born sometime in their 25 week of gestation.  Their short lives were both a hard-fought battle, and their families endured horrifying setbacks throughout.  I can only hope that they find some peace in this tragic outcome.  We hug our babies with the utmost appreciation, both in recognition of the NICU parents not as fortunate and with humble gratitude for how far our babies have come.

Austin was transported back to Hoag on Saturday morning, and the nurses were all so excited to see him back after nearly two weeks at CHOC.  Many of the nurses have peeked in to see him, and remark at how big he's gotten.  He really is doing well across the board, and his bottle feeding is going well enough that the nurses say it may not be too much longer until he comes home.  Basically, their readiness for home has less to do with weight and more to do with feeding.  So if he goes 48 hours with no spells and takes all of his feedings by bottle or breast, they will deem him ready to go.  He's not quite there yet because he still expends a lot of energy with each feeding, so if he takes a full bottle one time he likely will peter out on the next one.  But it's all a good sign, we're so proud of him!

Austin, 35w0d, doing his preemie nanny-goat grunting
Malia is also making great progress, and I think is catching up on her brother.  She now weighs 4 lb., 6 oz., only a pound behind Austin at this point.  More importantly, she's gone about 10 consecutive days of no weight loss, and has been tolerating feedings and pooping well throughout.  She is still in her isolet because of her weight, lacking the amount of fat needed to regulate her body temp.  Very soon though, she could be in an open crib like her brother if she keeps gaining weight like the last couple of weeks.

Malia, 34w6d
Malia about to get the bottle

Malia is still figuring out the bottle.  Still needs practice, but she's getting better.

Having Austin back at Hoag, and with both kids off of their nasal cannula, we enjoyed our first side-by-side kangaroo cuddle.  This is perhaps where it starts to sink in that you have two, and it's really cool to have both of your babies so close.

The whole fam together, everyone happy!

Not her first tandem hold, but Cheryl got some quality time in on this turn

There will be better family shots, but the novelty hasn't worn off
Cheryl couldn't wait to accessorize Malia

Our little peanut is sporting some cheeks finally

Austin 35w0d, supple cheeks

Both babies got baths last night, fluffing up their hair

 We had the ladies over on Saturday for Cheryl's baby shower, which turned out great.  For those who could not attend, and everyone else in our incredibly large network of support - Thank you kindly for everything you've done for us throughout this process!

Most importantly, thank you to our families for everything.  You are the reason that Austin and Malia are here, the reason Cheryl and I have our heads on straight, and therefore the reason our babies will be coming home healthy sometime soon.

Lastly, if any of you should find yourself in need of a Level 2 NICU, I can't recommend a better place than Hoag.  The nurses run a tight ship there, and it has made all the difference for me and Cheryl!


  1. Awwww! Your babies are adorable and absolutely beautiful! Really glad to see that they are getting better! The four of you make such a beautiful family :)

    Sending lots of love your way,

    Kayce and Dearen Abalos
    (from Canada <3)

    1. Thanks Kayce! We are so blessed. We are anxiously awaiting their homecoming in the near future.
