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Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Austin heading home today?

Just a quick update here, mainly for the pictures I haven't uploaded lately.  But we are about to leave for the hospital this afternoon, hopefully to bring Austin home!  He was set to be discharged this morning, but they wanted to do his final eye exam while they still had him there.  Because of the potential for the procedure to disrupt things they may decide to hold him back, but his nurses think it will happen anyway today.  Pretty exciting that a baby born 2.5 months premature is actually coming home on his 2 month birthday!  We'll update the blog later with info and more pics.

Sleeping beauty

My favorite picture of Malia so far

Austin getting lunch

Taking it down like a champ

Taking a break, must be storing acorns in those cheeks

Austin was trialed in his car seat yesterday, in which he had to sit for 90 minutes after a feed.  Aside from a short-lived cry, he fell right asleep and did great for the whole time.  We're so proud of our little man!
He still looks so small in his car seat, but rest assured, he's the big man at the Hoag NICU today!

He didn't mind his car seat challenge at all

Funny how small he looks relative to his car seat

As for Malia, she should have just a little more time left at the hospital, and they will try to move her forward in her bottle feedings.  She's doing great, and on the cusp of the 5 lb. mark.  She's a little slower with the feeding reflex, but she's making great progress and we expect it will be another week or two max.

Stay tuned for more updates later!

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