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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Update from the home front

Just a quick post here to give an update on both kids at home.  The first 3 nights have been quite a bit harder than our nights with just Austin, but it's still quite a reprieve from the hospital commute.  Instead of alternating feeds, we are both getting up to double team the effort and get it over with quickly.  Both Austin and Malia are feeding well at this point, but usually the whole ordeal has us up about a full hour.  This is bad news when  the interval is every 3 hours, so at best we're sleeping about 2 hours at a time.  
Malia once again was waiting until the 11th hour to have a BM, which always preoccupies us as we see her strain and wiggle to move things along by the 3rd day without a stool.  This morning's first diaper change revealed an impressive load, sending her dad into a fit of watery-eyed retching... much to the amusement of mom.  Either way we were glad to see her move things along, but nonetheless this time the backup seemingly had no effect on her feeding.  Her growth is noticeable especially today, which according to our bathroom scale (error notwithstanding), has her weighing in at approximately 6 lb., 4 oz.  Austin is also packing it on, weighing an estimated 7 lb., 5 oz., and is just expanding in all directions.  As usual, he still has a noticeable pound advantage on his sister, but with Malia's appetite lately it might not stay that way for long.
We took the babies out for the first time since being home, braving the nearby Target for some supplies.  We also took them to the Long Beach concert in the park down at Marina Park, and if sleeping was their show of approval, they enjoyed the hell out of it!

Swaddle buddies

Cheryl couldn't wait to customize their car seats... as if people were having trouble distinguishing their gender!

Austin was the victim of a vicious cloth diaper experiment by his daddy

Truckin' the double wide down the aisles of Target

Concerts in the park: what the Jimmy Buffet crowd does on weeknight in Long Beach

Fast asleep

Watching the concert from the boat has to be the best seat in the house

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