Age Tracker

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Friday, April 27, 2012

On Wednesday I treated myself to a manicure & pedicure. The manicurist came to me which was nice. I usually don't enjoy getting my nails done. I always get to antsy sitting in a nail salon for an hour or so, mostly because I'm usually in a hurry or have somewhere to be soon after. So this experience was much more enjoyable I mean I had no choice, I didn't have anywhere to be, I have all the time, and I enjoyed it for what it was: something nice for myself. Today, I woke up well rested with a full night of sleep (with the exception of being woken up briefly twice). The sun was shining early in the morning and the view is amazing. I'm looking forward to enjoying the fresh air today. The doctor ordered a 15 min wheelchair ride outside. Awww, I can't wait and what a perfect day to do so.

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