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Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Saturday, May 5, 2012

I enjoyed visiting with my friends Jen Mendez, LeeAnn & her son Ford this week. Jen's husband and my husband are the best of friends since grade school. Jen and I were first introduced in 2008 and the four of us since have been really close. So Brian and I are lucky to have them as friends. LeeAnn and I were roommates and she just gave birth to her son Ford in August. He was such a joy to be around. He has such a handsome face, gorgeous eyes and a sweet playful personality. It's exciting to know that one day soon we will be taking our kids out together for a play date. As for the babies, they are doing great thus far. It's a known fact our boy moves constantly but our little girl is building up her Strength and kicking and moving more and more each day like her brother. Lucky for me! :)

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