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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Week 26

It's the last week of my 2nd trimester and I'd like to say it went by just as quickly as the 1st but some unfortunate events occurred that landed me on bed rest half way thru. But in any case, we are grateful for ever week that goes by. I had the pleasure of having the infamous orange sugary glucose drink..... Yuck!!!!! It was like orange soda + red bull ... I thought the babies were going to jump out of my stomach after drinking it. Not to mention how mommy was feeling... I could barely contain myself, I thought I was going to barf. But, I remembered someone telling me that if I did I would have to start over- so I just grit my teeth and practically held my breath the whole time. I was able to get th results within 2 hours and thankfully my results came back negative for gestational diabetes. Yay! One last thing to worry about.

1 comment:

  1. Happy third trimester!! So glad things are going well. I had my glucose test a few weeks ago too and felt the same way you did - it was so hard to choke it down and keep it down! So glad you passed!

    We think of you guys all the time and are happy for every week that passes! Grow, babies, grow! :)
