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Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

5/29 & 5/30 Update

Last night's session was very uplifting for us, as the progress we're seeing in both babies is undeniable.  While they still mostly sleep through the entire day, we actually saw both of them wide awake and very lucid with their eyes open and looking around after their diaper changes.  We weren't able to snap any decent images of this because of the darkness, but they were both amazingly cute.  Whether or not there's any register on their end when they open their eyes to see us, it's a very special feeling to look your kids' eyes looking back for the first time.  It shows some perceptiveness to their surroundings, and they seem to be more interested with what is going on around them than before.

Today I had a great morning session, and helped out with Malia's sponge bath.  Although she didn't care for the cold, she seemed very happy afterwards, and opened her eyes for mom.

Here is a photo of Malia after she had her sponge bath all snuggled in a warm blanket.

Austin shared some tummy time with  mom and enjoyed it as usual.

This photo of Austin was taken as they were changing his cannulaid.

Our night session began with Austin making his presence known in the NICU, which it turned out was because he was in the middle of a sponge bath that was wrapping up.  Once they got him dry and warm once again, he was pretty darn happy.

Toweling off.

Funny face.

Back in his bed, all setup with his blankie between his legs...


  1. Love these updates, guys. So glad they're both doing well!

  2. Thanks, Jaime! And how are you doing? Ready to pop??

  3. Yes! Got about a month left - all is going well. Still working on a name and getting everything ready, but almost there!
